Thursday, May 31, 2012

An Old Flame

Recently, I've been becoming closer to someone with whom I had a past with. This isn't just some ordinary past, however, this is a past that involved ruined friendships, untold secrets, and regrets. Although this may sound haunting, it's actually becoming a good thing. This girl, who will stay unnamed, is one of the few that can keep me laughing constantly throughout the day and knows exactly what I'm thinking most of the time. Spending the past three days together, we've come to realize that our maturity as people has increased significantly since previous close encounters years ago. They say people change with time, and in that time, we are able to learn from our mistakes. "You guys are gonna get married one day, I just know it" her friend privately told me yesterday. "She's practically in love with you but she just won't admit it to herself."
This isn't really shocking considering the strength of our bond we had in the past. We were never able to have a relationship due to many factors that were mainly beyond our control. Now, years have passed, and we have both had time to better ourselves and achieve greater things than we could have at that previous point in time.
The downfall? She remains taken. She has been with the same guy for nearly four years now. It may sound like an awesome thing to those on the outside looking in, but in reality, it's not as great as it sounds. Through many short breakups, trust issues, and arguing, their relationship has been very unstable in the recent times, going back to only last year.
I don't plan on doing anything or acting on anything that would ruin their relationship, nor would I force myself to do whatever it took to do so. However, I do know that her feelings towards me can't be hidden, and that will remain an issue for her. You can't hide from your feelings forever, so eventually, she will have to face reality and make a decision. In all honestly, I hate the fact of knowing I'm the main cause of a breakup, but at the same time, I know it wouldn't be a mistake either. I'm very capable of treating someone right and doing everything possible to ensure the strength of a relationship. I mean, there is a reason why she already has feelings for me, so I guess all I do now is wait.

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