Sunday, July 24, 2011

Interesting Love Facts I Learned

I just watched a few videos from and there was a woman who studies neuroscience that gave a lot of information about love and the effects it has on the brain. Here are a few of the notes that I took from watching.

54% of writers are female
91% of American Woman and 86% of American Men would NOT marry someone who had every single quality they were looking for in someone if they were not in love with them.

Keys to an attraction include (Timing, Proximity, Mystery)

The brain, dealing with love, has 3 different areas. (Lust, Romantic Love, Attachment)
The reason why humans get attached to someone after making love, or sex, is because when you have an orgasm, you brain "sprays" a chemical called dopamine on the area of your brain that is in charge of your attachment.

When you take anti-depressants over long periods of times, here's what really happens in a simple description.
When you take an anti-depressant, your Serotonin levels increase, and your dopamine levels decrease, which decreases a person's sex drive. In turn, that takes away from the increased levels of attachment you receive when you reach an orgasm.

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