Thursday, March 3, 2011

Random Happiness

I love the feeling you get when you are on the phone with someone who means something to you, preferably someone you like, and you can just talk forever. It's like, everything she says means something to you and the conversation never gets boring. It makes me realize that even though I have been hurt many times in the past, that not all girls are that way. It feels good to know that someone can actually appreciate me for who I am and understand my values on life, and share the same thoughts and ideas. Usually, many people get scared when they hear me talk about education, politics, and societal issues because they consider me "not in their league" kind of person, which sucks for them because I think everyone should have someone that has some sort of intelligence when it comes to that kind of stuff, but I guess I'm just on a different page than them and I don't have any problems with that. Anyways, it's been a long time coming because I haven't felt this kind of happiness in years, sad to say. Being happy definietly makes you view life in a whole different perspective!

God is Love! Always remember!

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