Thursday, March 24, 2011

Feeling Good

Well, I'm at work right now and it's 12:19am. I get off at 1:30am, then it's back to my dorm room to study for my dreadful managerial accounting test in the morning. While I will be studying during my "all-nighter", I will be heading out to Harris Teeter, down the street from my college, to pick up some boxes for my girlfriend and her parents because they are planning on moving this weekend. I will head out to get them around 6:00am. My accounting test is at 12:30pm. So, I may be able to sneak in a few hours of sleep before my test, but then again, I could use that time to cram even more stuff into my short term memory to make sure I pass this test. Anyways, things with Samantha are going great and for the past few weeks, I've felt better than ever before. I never get any negative thoughts anymore it seems like, and the feeling of knowing you're wanted actually makes the days go by much better. I'm so lucky to have been blessed with such an awesome girlfriend, and I thank God every night for putting us in each others life. I never want to loose her, and I'm pretty confident I won't. I'm off here for the night, just wanted to drop some words while I had the spare time.. Goodnight guys!

Friday, March 18, 2011

A New Beginning is Hard!

I am very thankful to have been blessed with a wonderful girlfriend, Samantha, after everything I have been through in the past couple of years. It is very exciting to discover feelings within your body, or emotions, that you have never felt before. I mean, every time I see her it's like an explosion in my stomach that makes me feel high, emotionally. Even though we are becoming closer with each day that passes, it's hard for me to not think negative, or be pessimistic. I have been played and used so much in the past for my money, my car, and my heart and I mean it was pretty bad. I've never had anything or anyone close to me in a way where I felt safe, secure, and comfortable. Well, Samantha makes me feel this way and it's amazing. The only hard thing I am dealing with now is thinking of how bad will it end, or if she will leave me, cheat on me, play me, use me, or anything of that nature. I know deep down that she would NEVER do that because I can tell she is an honest and down to earth person, but if you're in my shoes, you can't help but to think like this. I mean, this gets to me a lot during the week and makes me almost sick, and I don't want to feel like this. I want to be happy and joyful that I am with someone that finally understands me for who I really am and can see right through me. I guess because of everything I have been through, my heart is just still trying to recover, and Samantha is helping with that. I do know, however, that whenever I overcome this negative style of thinking, I am going to be a very happy person, and I know that Samantha will never have anything to worry about.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Real Talk

"I accept full responsibility for all the wrong I've done. If y'all thought I was perfect, I apologize for being human, but never again, I put my life on that. You can love me, or either leave me. Before you judge me just let me be me." - T.I.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Random Happiness

I love the feeling you get when you are on the phone with someone who means something to you, preferably someone you like, and you can just talk forever. It's like, everything she says means something to you and the conversation never gets boring. It makes me realize that even though I have been hurt many times in the past, that not all girls are that way. It feels good to know that someone can actually appreciate me for who I am and understand my values on life, and share the same thoughts and ideas. Usually, many people get scared when they hear me talk about education, politics, and societal issues because they consider me "not in their league" kind of person, which sucks for them because I think everyone should have someone that has some sort of intelligence when it comes to that kind of stuff, but I guess I'm just on a different page than them and I don't have any problems with that. Anyways, it's been a long time coming because I haven't felt this kind of happiness in years, sad to say. Being happy definietly makes you view life in a whole different perspective!

God is Love! Always remember!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


A lot of people ask me where I get my "misunderstood" from.. well, here you go!

This is interesting..

Commonly used phrases we say, but never realize they cancel each other out:

1) Clearly misunderstood
2) Exact Estimate
3) Small Crowd
4) Act Naturally
5) Found Missing
6) Fully Empty
7) Pretty ugly
8) Seriously funny
9) Only choice
10) Original copies

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Walking Behind Slow People

So, being in college for two years, I've noticed this more than once and it's just a small thing that irritates me. I always walk to class instead of driving or taking the trolley just because I want the exercise. Well, everyday, there is always someone in front of me, walking, and I mean slow walking. If I had to give it some mathematical description, I would say for every 2 steps I take equals 1/2 of theirs. I mean, come on. I'm not saying to run to class or speed walk, but at least keep up with everyone else.