Thursday, August 25, 2011

Where I stand.

First of all, I just want to start off by saying there is 1 individual, who will remain disclosed, that has restored my faith and confidence that I lost years ago. She knows who she is, and I consider her a life saver, literally. Other than that, things are starting to slowly get better for myself. I just got off a rough stretch of bad luck and bad times. That leads me now to tell you this - no matter how hard life gets, always have faith in yourself to assure that you will get through it. A lot of people in life will lose faith in humanity, at one point or another, but the only person that you must not lose faith in, ultimately, is yourself. The most important thing to do in life is to never stop questioning yourself, mentally, and emotionally. No matter how well you know yourself, there is always room for expansion. Right now, there are still things about me that I know I haven't explored yet, but will the more time goes on. That is my goal for you - challenge yourself to further dig in your mind to uncover areas that you never thought existed. In the end, you will be surprised at what you will find.

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