Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Mixed Emotions

Feelings are crazy, right? Have you ever just seen someone throw some subtle, simple flirtation at you, but then turn around and act distant as if it never happened? It's like, a game? Why do people do this, and better yet, why do people fall for it? Is it silly human nature that we want what we can't have? Who knows. It's interesting though, especially as you get older. You would think you would see less and less of it happening, but ultimately, people are always going to be people, and emotions are always going to be emotions.

Welcome Back

Wow, so where to begin? I haven't posted anything since, what, March 2015? So much has happened since then, and I mean SO much. If you've ever read through my blogs since 2009, you know my roller coaster of emotions and have seen all the various things I have been through. Well, let me give you the run down of what has happened since March 2015.

First off, Marissa and I broke up. Obviously, she left me with an empty apartment, and I was left and forced to move back to North Carolina. (April 2015)

In April 2015, once I got back settled, I landed a temp. job working at Pearson in Charlotte that was only for a few months.

Early May 2015, I randomly messaged a girl on Facebook that I had been friends with since 2013 (but never really knew her, AT ALL) and said hey.

One conversation lead to another, and all of a sudden, we were dating. That fast.

Early June 2015, I flew cross country from Charlotte, NC to Phoenix, AZ to meet her for the first time.
I came back to Charlotte a week later, and then a week after that, guess what? I moved. Yep. I literally made the cross country move to Phoenix, AZ with just ONE suitcase.

July 2015, not only did we get engaged, but also found out we were pregnant! I landed a job with Drivetime (Now Bridgecrest), and pretty much just worked, worked, and worked.

March 2016, our baby girl was born (Presley).

May 2016 - Moved into a huge, luxury apartment complex right next to my work (I could walk to work!)

May-June-July 2016 - I made so much money at my job, and was bonusing left and right. But our happiness was decreasing.

August 1 - We decided to pack up, and move back to the East Coast (Charlotte, NC).

It's now November 2016, and here I am. (At work, actually - Aon). We're in the process of moving into a new apartment here pretty soon.

RECAP: Wow. Can you believe all of that? What a change of events. Literally after everything that happened in 2015, and all the hectic events, and then all of a sudden, when you least expect it, life just throws you something new. It'll be interesting to see where things go from here.

NOTE TO SELF: Don't dwell too much on the bad things to happen to you in life. Eventually, things will find a way to work itself out, and when it does, you will look back and appreciate what you have now.