Sunday, February 27, 2011

First time in a while.

So earlier tonight, before I went to work, I was on the phone with a certain girl for nearly an hour, and this was the first time we've spoken on the phone, ever. I think it's pretty neat actually. One reason is because I'm kind of shy when I am talking to or meeting someone new. The last person I can even remember talking on the phone that long would have to be Jessica. BUT, I think this is cool because obviously we have a lot in common. We'll see where it goes. I'm just tired of something good happening, and it never stays. Maybe this time will be different.
 Also, she sang Lil Wayne on the phone and didn't hold back. +10 cool points!

Talk about a long day.

Saturday, February 26, 2011:
10:00am - Woke up
10:30am-3:00pm - Worked with Daniel on building up the trails for the dirt bike
3:30pm-6:00pm - Washed all my clothes, got a shower, packed my stuff
6:30pm-9:00pm - Met up with Daniel, Kristi, Brandon and Will at Chili's
9:15pm-9:30pm - Stopped by my house, then put gas in the car
10:30pm-2:00am - Worked in the Theater
2:30am - Now - Worked on my Economics homework and made an 85!

It's 4:00am, almost, and now I'm headed back down to Monroe (home) to get some good sleep in to be ready for my grandmother's birthday.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Raining on the Parade

It is a bad feeling, or perhaps bad luck of the draw, when something you're doing is going so well, then all of a sudden can just flop in the blink of an eye. Have you ever had the feeling of something being so great and you felt like you were on top of the world, and as soon as something got intertwined with you and that something, you felt as if there was a balloon in your head that just got deflated? It seems a lot of times, you can be on a "happy" streak where you wake up and carry on your day and you just feel completed and prestigious, then after a few days, something causes that "happy" feeling to fade away, leaving you in a 180 degree feel of emotion, which would be feeling lower than low can get. Your confidence can be at its all time high, then just like that, it can go right back down to rock bottom. I guess that's the point of life though. We are in pursuit of happiness and we are forever trying to figure out what we have to really do to keep our happiness high. Is it just love? Is it money? Is it love and money? Is it actually something we don't really know of? I really hope, sometime soon, someone is able to solve this riddle in what I call life.

I'm the 6th one to talk to Weezy!

Yeah, so as you can see, I was the 6th person to comment on Lil Wayne's Facebook status, in which 4 people gave it thumbs up! : D

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


It sucks when you meet someone new and while you get good vibes from the person, you have a hard time trying to fully understand them. Like, you talk to them and are able to carry on a conversation, but you can't really get into their mind. It is true that it takes serious time to REALLY know someone, but when it comes to someone who you're physically interested in and you hope to pursue something with them, it leaves you in a confused state of mind. You don't want to say too much to scare them away, but you don't want to say too less to make them think you're not interested. I mean, some would say texting a person everyday is just too much when you're first getting to know someone, and others will say that you should. So, what do you do? You don't really want to waste your time, but giving up seems hopeless too.


What happened to getting to know someone for who they really are without using first impressions as a instigator for what's to come later? A lot of people are quick to judge someone, at random, without even saying a word to them, and this my friends, is not the way it should be. We are all human; we all talk; we all have minds; the only thing that's different is how we live our lives. That's why I think so many relationships fail at a young age. Most  people are only interested in how people look on the outside, and then find out later that the same person is ugly on the inside. My advice to you, as hard it seems, is to read a book before you give your opinions on it. If you read half the book and tell someone about it, you're not giving them the full story. Just think about it.